A few months ago I developed Urban Race, a very simple (and quite lame) time attack racing game using XNA. It was a University project so I couldn't release the source until it was graded but then, I totally forgot about it. Recently, a reader asked me to publish the source and here we are. Please, bare in mind it's for educational purposes, it was developed in one month without previous knowledge of neither C# or XNA and it's not intended to be a fully playable product.
I usually document my projects with Doxygen and several articles or tutorials, this time has been different. At least I've uploaded a PDF file with the documentation I submitted for my project to be graded. You"ll have to excuse me for lack of further and more accessible documentation but I don't have much time now and, prior to this moment, I didn't think this game was worth making public.
Anyways, you can freely access the source, reuse components and re-share. Bare in mind that the code is under GPL v3 and the media is under Creative Commons 3.0 BY-NC so, please, stick to their conditions.