I've recently been to Spain, not only to spend some quality time with family and friends but to deliver a presentation at my home University. It was basically about how the Games Industry work, how we make games at Crytek UK and what should a Computing Science student do in order to find a job in such a field. Anyways, it was quite nice coming back to where all this began and I"d like to thank my professor Manuel Palomo for making this possible.

To be honest, it shocked me to see a conference room full of people with even some crazy individuals standing at the back to listen to whatever nonsense I had to say. I got some positive feedback in person and over Twitter so that made me quite happy and stop thinking I bored everyone to death.
I've been asked several times if it was possible to share the slides and after getting my bosses approval here they are. I guess they lose part of the charm without the talking part but hey, it's better than nothing isn't it?