Ludum Dare #24 voting round is over and Evolution – The Survival of the fittest did… Okey. To be honest, this doesn't come as a surprise at all if you look at the postmortem I posted right after the jam ended. Here are the results for my entry.
- Graphics: 3.84 #87
- Humor: 2.62 #201
- Audio: 2.68 #272
- Mood: 2.67 #352
- Theme: 2.63 #469
- Fun: 2.21 #619
- Overall: 2.45 #628
- Coolness: 40% #719
- Innovation: 1.56 #755
I'm happy to have done well in graphics because I put a lot of effort into making something visually appealing, I obviously wasted too much time on that though, people didn't like how it played. My lowest score actually goes to the Fun category… What's the point of making games if they're not fun to play? I most definitely will try to learn the lesson towards my next take on Ludum Dare and future projects. After all, it's all about learning, isn't it?
On the other side, I was a Ludum Dare virgin until now and ending up in the #620 is not a complete disaster taking into account that there were 1406 submissions.
Anyways, it could have gone better but I'm fairly satisfied. Next time I will aim for a much better submission.