Libgdx at Intel Buzz Workshop Stockholm 2015: pictures and video
Jul 28 2015 · 2 min read · Comments

As I recently mentioned, a couple of weeks ago I flew to Stockholm to attend the Intel Buzz Workshop, a conference focused on mobile games development where I preached the perks of Libgdx. The event had a great turnout and my talk seemed to have been well received. Moreover, I also got to meet cool people IRL such as Adrian, the guy behind the Artemis ECS.
For those who missed it and would like to watch me ramble about how brilliant Libgdx is for a whole 20 minutes, here is the video.
Make sure you check out the full event playlist, there is quite a bit of good material there! Take a look at the full event gallery and be all jealous of how much fun people had.
Conveniently, the event was on a Friday, which gave me the rest of the weekend to visit Stockholm. Lovely archipelago-city, boats, bridges, nice medieval buildings and fresh fish. Definitely do not miss the Vasa and the Nobel museums.

Finally, I couldn't possibly go without thanking the organisers, BeMyAp in general and Johanne in particular who was awesome in making sure everything was flawless. The opportunity was much appreciated! Oh! They"re preparing a similar event in Berlin on September 22nd, sign up for it if you missed this one.