JSConf EU is one of the biggest JS conferences in Europe and I was lucky enough to attend its 2017 edition earlier this month. This year the event took place in Arena Berlin, a place by the river, typically dedicated to concerts in the east side of the German capital.
Overall, it was a pretty awesome weekend and although I wish there were more talks on advanced technical topics, I understand the event is more focused on community and diversity. It was flawlessly organised, special kudos for the attention to disabilities, the timeliness, quality of the food and free beer!
Below are my favorite talks.
- Marja Hölttä: Parsing JavaScript - better lazy than eager?
- Franziska Hinkelmann: JavaScript engines - how do they even?
- Lin Clark: A Cartoon Intro to WebAssembly
- Addy Osmani: The Browser Hackers Guide To Instantly Loading Everything
- Alexander Reardon: Let's go big (Big numbers in JavaScript)
- Laura Carvajal: YES, your site too can (and should) be accessible
- TC39 (JavaScript standard committee) panel
Some of the others are still yet to be made available on the JSConf Youtube channel.