
Time for another Ashley entity framework release! This time, the focus has been on stability by getting rid of as many bugs as we could find. Check all the new goodies below.

  • API addition: adds IntervalSystem and IntervalIteratingSystem, which are updated at a fixed interval.
  • API addition: adds getEntities() to IteratingSystem and IntervalIteratingSystem.
  • API change: entities use long as ID. Changes entity.getIndex() for entity.getId(). Ids are reset to 0 after the entity is removed from the engine.
  • Bug fix: we finally got rid of the issues related to deleting entities and adding/removing components mid system processing.
  • Bug fix: fixes problem with removing pooled entities.
  • Bug fix: fixes pooled entities not being fully reset.
  • Bug fix: fixes broken GWT compatibility.

The new nightly dependency is com.badlogicgames.gdx:ashley:1.3.1-SNAPSHOT.

As usual, open a new issue if you find anything that's not working properly and feel free to submit a pull request!